Lately Braden has been rolling over onto his belly like crazy. Most of the time he gets his arm stuck underneath him and he gets pretty upset about it. This was the first time he was able to get it out by himself, he was happy. Now he can do it no problem. He can almost roll over on his back from his belly, he just keeps getting caught on that same arm..LOL. The last picture is of Braden snuggled in our bed. When Ty got up in the morning, and I got home from work, our furnace broke again and our house was freezing. We had to call someone at 6am to fix it. We were trying real hard to keep him warm.
11 years ago
Awwww He is getting to be such a big boy!!!and he is such a looker!! good thing bellas gonna have some big boys to protect her from other boys when she gets older :)
Oh no, I am sorry about your furnace, what a pain. Hopefully it gets up and running again soon. It is worrisome when your little one is cold. By the way have you guys set a date for the wedding? I don't want to miss it!
That totally sucks about the furnace!! I love Braden. He is so stinkin cute!! I'm going to start workin graves at a skilled nursing facility...any tips for keeping up with being a mom and working graves?
Gotta love being a home owner eh tiff HaHa I love you blog!! I love you 2
Won't be long and your little boy is going to be scooting around your house, they grow up too fast.
Hey we changed our blog address its Cause of crazy chick!
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