1.Where were you when you first found out that you were pregnant? at home (@ 4am)
2.Who was with you? Ty
3.How did you find out that you were pregnant? Pregnancy test
5.Who was the first person you told? Ty asked me what I was doing and I told him "I'm pregnant"
4.What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? ecstatic!!!
6.Did you plan to get pregnant? YEP!
7.Did you tell everyone else right away? oh ya, I think I called my parents at 5 in the morning.
8.Was everybody happy for you? pretty much, a little surprised only Jess & Deric knew we were trying.
9.Did you go out and celebrate? yep, by telling his family :) (can't tell I was excited can ya)
10.Did you want to find out the sex? yes
11.What was the sex? Boy
12.Did anyone throw you a baby shower? yes my mom and ty's mom :)
13.Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you wouldn't put
on your baby? I don't think so
14.How much weight did you gain? 38 lbs
15.Did you lose all of the weight that you gained? Yes
16.Did you get any stretch marks? a small one peeked off of where my belly button ring was
17.What did you crave the most? It varied from week to week, anything from hamburgers and chocolate milk to a whole jar of pickles
18.Did you crave anything crazy? coke, I hadn't had pop in years
19.Who or what got on your nerves? our puppy drove me nuts
20.Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? I had my labor stopped once when I was around 30 weeks
21.Where and when did you go into labor? I was at home and miserable
22.Did your water break? it broke when the doctor was checking me (I was at a 5)
23.Who drove you to the hospital? Ty puked (food poisoning) and then drove us there :)
24.Who was in the room when you gave birth? Ty, Jess, and my mom were in the delivery room but only Ty was there for the c-section
25.Did you go early or late? I was in labor on my due date (Aug. 2nd) and had him the morning of the 4th
26.How long were you in labor for? Well I labored at home starting on the 2nd at bedtime and didn't go into the hospital until about 3pm the next day (Aug. 3rd) and I was at a 4 and 100% effaced. YIKES I had him the next morning at 10:26am.
27.Did you have any drugs for the pain? O YES! but I had to be redosed because it wore off when I was at an 8
28.Did you go natural or have a C-section? c-section, after pushing for 2 hrs with no progress
29.What was your first reaction after giving birth? so excited but bummed that I had to go into the recovery room for an hour.
30.How big was the baby? 7lbs 14oz and 22 inches long
31.Did your husband cry? he will deny it but he teared up when he was finally here
32.What did you name the baby? Braden Ty Noyes
33.Does his name have any significant meaning? Ty picked the name and the middle name is obvious.
34.Did you have any visitors? yep, the whole fam and a ton of friends
35.Did the baby have any complications? no :)
36.How old is your baby today? 6 1/2 months
37.When is the next one coming? not sure, we want them kinda close so you never know
38.If you could, would you do it all over again? YES I enjoyed being prego and I LOVE being a Mom.
39.Tag five: anyone who would like to do it!
11 years ago