Sunday, July 12, 2009

Close Call!!!

So this last Saturday we were at the East Carbon Rodeo, cause of course Ty took bulls. Well the one half around the arena is a hill where people park and watch the rodeo from their trucks. Ty's sister invited us to sit with her so me and Braden went up with the stroller. I was standing about 2-3 feet away from the truck putting Braden in the stroller so he could eat his bottle and go to sleep (it was past his bedtime) and all the sudden the stroller jerked. I looked up and an SUV had backed into us. Then before I could do anything he reved up and hit us again. This time I had to grab the stroller and dig my feet into the dirt so that we didn't go tumbling down the hill. I was LIVID. I started screaming and swearing like a sailor. I was shaking all over and super upset. The kid turned around in the vehicle and my sister-in-law went over and started yelling at him and he says "ya I know, sorry" and drove off. He looked stoned. After he left I started crying because I was so upset. Braden is okay cause he hit the BACK of the stroller not the front but it was risky and could've been worse! Very uncool experience, guess it just goes to show you can never be too careful.


RandiLeonard said...

WOW! Some people are just so dumb and inconsiderate! I am glad you and Braden are ok!

The Gardners! said...

That guy was lucky i was'nt there!!! I would of opened a can of whoop ass!!!!! :)

Sarah F said...

oh my gosh, i would be sooo mad! especially if they were DUI! and especially with the stroller!

Ham, Dan and Kaylie said...

Holy crap girl!! So scarry! Glad everything is ok! Call me, we need to get together.

Brittany said...

I'm glad you guys are okay. What a scary and very aggrivating experience.

Meagan said...

Oh no! I think I would have went into shock, someone is watching out for you.