Saturday, January 17, 2009

We were invited to go sledding today so we checked it out. We invited my gardner fam cause I knew Mav would dig it. We had lots of fun, Braden slept through most of it and it was such a nice day. Finding a hill with snow on it still was a bit risky but it worked out really well. All the kids were tuckered out by the time we left, it was way fun.


The Gardners! said...

gotta love the slide shows, there my fav!!! love you tons it was a great day!! love your yessie

Kelsey said...

looks like a ton of fun! i love sledding. my 2 year old daughter is just getting into wanting to play in the snow and stuff. it's fun to watch.

The Spicers said...

I love your slide show! Looks like you all had tons of fun! :) I'm excited for your big day in April! Let me know if there is ever anything that you need!

Brittany said...

I heard hills with snow on them were hard to find down there lately, looks like you had a blast with your sister and Bryan's family.